Week 10:Language demands in 9-12 Social Studies

The main point of this article is to point out the negatives and positives of wording and word choice. Sometimes wording can be too much or it can be too little. It mentions how that sometimes when teachers use graphic organizers it can stop the creativity of a student. I think it fails to mention that it could also be useful for students who are struggling to get words on the page. Yes, it may be restrictive for students who are performing fairly well but to say it doesn’t help everyone is not true. Students who are struggling may need that extra push that the organizer provides. I am very interested in this because I know it would help me as a student The readings also mention how teachers go overboard when they create rubrics. It has inspired me to not be too restrictive of my students. When you give them an outline that they have to follow it doesn’t allow for creativity. This is true with a rubric too. I feel rubrics ask for stuff all students will never be able to accomplish. This goes back to the wording. When you use words in the rubric that leave the assignment to be a step-by-step process it won’t be creative. It would be better to use words that allow students to do almost whatever they want with an assignment. Finally, since history is full of writing assignments I think that the idea of graphic organizers for notes during a lecture is interesting. Having students write out what they are thinking can help them organize all of their information. The organizer could be used for notes not just writing. Organizing the notes into certain sections of a graphic organizer could be used for students to group certain events. You could also use it as a way to show certain effects from events in history. For example, you could use sections that reflect how the events affected economics, politics, or just the public.