Exit Ticket Ideas

The reading I have selected is the “20 ideas for exit tickets in the classroom” article. The number one reason why this article stood out to me is because I have incorporated exit tickets as an assessment in my lesson plans and have been having a hard time finding ideas that I liked. Exit tickets help communicate what material resonated well and what did not, as well as provide a final push on information that is worth being touched on one last time. While reading, I came across some ideas I already have, like asking for their opinion on the material taught, or two new things they have learned. Some new ideas I have read would be less focused on the material. Examples would be asking for a critique of the style of teaching I would use, or even just asking how they are, in terms of social and mental health. The self-examination of their health and another exit ticket idea of gauging how hard the student worked that day in class created a new category for exit tickets: introspection. This is definitely an article I have saved in my future teaching material folder on my computer.