Different Thinking Skill Levels

When preparing a lesson plan or a unit it is important to not think of just one type of student. When an instructor follows this path, other students with different skill sets can sometimes be blown off course and it can be a struggle to get them back. So to avoid this struggle allow yourself to incorporate high and low skill strategies that can merge together. In other words, do try to have an even balance and do not just cram in different teaching strategies that might not fit or drag down the progression of a lesson. If you incorporate to much of lower-level skills into the lesson it can lessen the intake of higher-level thinking which is needed to think through complicated subjects. This goes with high level skills as well, without a decent baseline of lower-level teaching it is like throwing someone in the deep end for the first time and expecting them to swim back. This is why an effective balance is in order so that one does not tilt to far in one way or the other.

To incorporate these skills into a lesson plan you first need to think about the image that you have in mind for what you want to teach. If you want to deal with Roman culture, you can incorporate a compare and contrast strategy with the Greeks. Although, it is important to think about what strategy fits your lesson and the content that you want to purse. If a strategy does not fit then it can drag the lesson down and make a confusing environment where both the instructor and students suffer. Analyze where things fit together and make a plan so that everything can merge well. You should try to incorporate low level skills with high level skills so that they can flow together seamlessly which gives the added benefit of organization and structure to a unit. So that one leads to the other so that it does not overload a classroom with too much of the same level of strategy.