Half of the news and information that we take in on a daily basis comes in the form of reading. Whether that is seeing text on a TikTok video, reading a Tweet online, or reading through highly advertised journal articles through businesses like Buzzfeed or The Onion, we are constantly bombarded with flashy titles and fun images in this digital age. What makes this situation so tough is the fact that practically anyone can falsify statements if they want to, whether or not the intention is malicious. It does not take an absolute genius to generate a fake Tweet by a famous individual through online programs that are strictly designed to do that very task. Having what it takes to sit down and spend a little bit more time reading and analyzing a source will help tremendously in deciding whether or not the information being presented is actually legitimate.
After years of growing up and being accustomed to the tricks of the internet, it is meaningful to me as a future teacher to include tips for my students in the case of providing them with articles or online sources that may contain distorted reports. Additionally, since I will be working along with individuals who have also utilized technology, I will be able to learn from them to see what new systems and practices are being exercised to deceive readers.
One of the first main skills that anyone needs to acquire when using the internet as an online source would be to discover what kind of website they are browsing. Some articles can be immediately found to be a hoax or biased based on the format. Depending on whether a source link includes a ‘.com’, ‘.org’, ‘.net’, or ‘.edu’, a person can start to generate an idea for how authentic a website may be. In some cases, if a website is filled with advertisements or enticing links to other sources, that website most likely is not the most trustworthy.
The other skill that can be extremely applicable, is the importance of understanding the way that statements are being made throughout a page can determine whether or not the report is worth your time. If someone is providing more than the basic facts and straightforward conclusions, signs of bias or resentment may be present. People can be very crafty in findings ways to include their political, moral, or religious beliefs, so finding out if that is the case can help to save a lot of time.
Overall, being aware of what sources make the best outlets for student or personal research can save a lot of time and mental taxation. The online world is a very beneficial way to obtain information, but making sure that it is the correct instruction can save anyone a lot of trouble.
I agree with you on the information being half real/half fake. Also the part of teaching the students the tips that we have learned from doing research papers using most the information we found on the internet. I’ve had teachers in the past that didn’t explain these things and how to tell sources were good sources and how some may not have been. It’s always been something I’ve said I would teach my students.
I remember going through high school and never once was taught about digital safety online. I was even able to stumble across some really messed up website advertisements on the schools connection. If I had not known any better it could have really sent me in a bad direction, although it was a good lesson to learn how much misinformation can be lurking on random websites that look informative. I really found you idea of including what the different endings on a website could mean. Hopefully information like that would stick with the students for a while so that they do not fall victim to a dishonorable source. With the world becoming digitized it is more important then ever to make sure kids growing up know how to navigate the internet and all of the information within.