In todays world the digital world has became something that many probably never thought that it would become. It no longer takes until the news comes on or you read the paper the next day to figure out something has happened either in the country or in the world. Instead we can find this information out almost instantly. While at first glance this seems like it would a be a great thing and at times it is. The downside with this comes with the facts being true and reliable when at times it is actually fake.
As history/social studies teachers this can lead to things being confusing in the classroom. For example if a teacher were to be going over current events in America as a warm up students may not realize that the information is correct because they’ve seen other wise that it was different. This mix ups of facts can lead to students not understanding what is real or not and it is our job to help teach them to tell the difference.
Another example of this would be with the use of Wikipedia. A source that has not always been the most reliable when getting facts as most teachers tell students to not use it. While in the digital age wikipedia has became something that everyone can edit and make adjustments to it is our job to show students how sources like this can still be reliable if they take the time to check if the person delivering the information is a reliable source or not.
I agree with your idea about wikipedia. I think sometimes students just use the first source that comes up. When we are teaching students we need to teach them skills to determine if a source is good or not. I think too many teachers gloss over this. A student who finds better and more academic sources will better and more information on that topic. This will allow them to determine for themselves their own view of history based on the source.